You Have A Lot Of Nerve (s).

The nerves in our bodies are like cables that carry electrical impulses between your brain and the rest of your body. These impulses help you feel sensations like pain, temperature, fine touch, etc and move your muscles. Every muscle in our body is supplied by certain nerves. Disruption of these nerve paths such as impingement, injury, or severed nerve can cause issues to surrounding muscles, like numbness, tingling, no activation, sharp pain.

Upper Body Nerves:

  • -  Median Nerve: Thumb opponens, wrist pronation, thumb/index, middle finger. Difficulty opening jar,

    Carpal tunnel, Repetitive use

  • -  Ulnar Nerve: Pinky opponens, ulnar flexion, pinky and outer ring finger. Difficulty carrying heavy load,

    pain from punching, fall on outstretched hand

  • -  Radial Nerve: Wrist extensors, triceps, lateral tricep, top of forearm. Tennis elbow, shoulder pain with

    pressing, difficulty in a push up

  • -  Musculocutaneous: Biceps, radial side of forearm. Bicep tendonitis, golfers elbow, shoulder impingement


  • -  Axillary: Deltoid, lateral arm at base of deltoid. Shoulder pain, Poor shoulder rotation

  • -  Suprascapular: Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus. Almost all shoulder problems, especially rotator cuff

    muscles, fall on shoulder

    Lower Body Nerves

  • -  Tibial Nerve: Gastroc activation and endurance. Low back pain, ankle sprains, poor balance, hamstring

    injuries, plantar fasciitis/heel pain, lateral knee pain

  • -  Peroneal Nerve: Ability to maintain neutral in calf raise, lateral lower leg strength. Low Back Pain, ankle

    instability, drop foot

  • -  Sural Nerve: Lateral calf sensation. Achilles tendonitis, Recurrent ankle sprains

  • -  Femoral Nerve: Psoas and quad strength. Poor squatting, medial knee pain, hip flexor pain

  • -  Obturator Nerve: Adductor strength. Adductor pain or strains

  • -  Saphenous Nerve: Medial thigh, knee and shin sensation. Meniscus, MCL surgery, medial ankle pain,


  • -  Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve: ITB, lateral thigh sensation. ITB pain, lateral leg pain