Who We Are

Our Vision? Provide Fun and Collaborative Treatment Strategies to ERASE Pain, EXCEED Goals and ELEVATE Patients’ Success.

WE ARE a family owned and operated clinic since 2004, providing successful outcomes to adults, children and athletes of all ages. Therapy is fun and collaborative with patient relationships at the core of our mutual success.

A physical therapist or PTA will work with you one-on-one, hands on, for the entire treatment session to guarantee the best possible outcome. Treatments are never performed by non-certified “technicians”, nor do they include use of superficial modalities like ice, heat of TENS. Lasting, long term relief is gained using Advanced Manual Therapy techniques, personalized therapeutic exercise and use of cutting-edge, NEUFIT NEUBIE electronic stimulation technology.

Doctor of physical therapy Sarah Anderson

Sarah Anderson, owner, Pt. dpT. mtc. faaompt

Sarah had her sights set on becoming a physical therapist since junior high in Denver Colorado. Graduating from University of St. Augustine in 2002, Dr. Anderson has mastered advanced techniques in manual therapy taught by the founder of the specialization, Dr. Stanley Paris. Dr. Anderson is a Certified Manual Therapist and Orthopedic Board Certified Specialist with continued education for treatment of TMJD. Beyond her academic expertise, Sarah prides herself on giving every patient the tools to help themselves. Dr. Anderson has also furthered her education to become a Fellow of the American Academy Of Manual Therapy.

Physical therapy assistant and Neubie expert Noal Cattone

Noal Cattone, Owner, PTA

neufit & neupttech level II certified

NeuFit Neubie specialist

Noal graduated top of his class at both Pacific Lutheran University and later PIMA Medical Institute. Prior to a career in physical therapy, Noal excelled as a professional rock-climbing guide, collegiate ski coach and self-employed certified personal trainer.  His creative interdisciplinary approach and experience teaching movement guarantee a fluid transition from clinical treatment to real-life application.  Noal is especially passionate about gait training for runners and teaching functional movement to outdoor enthusiasts.


Charles prater, PTA, neupttech certified

NeuFit Neubie specialist

Before returning to school at PIMA medical institute to become a physical therapy assistant, Charles completed a bachelors degree in broadcast jounrnaluism from Central Washington Univeristy. In addition to his skill with NeuFit Neubie technology and manual therapy, Charles is a certified personal trainer with an extensive knowledge of both functional movement and traditional strength training strategies. Charles leads an active and healthy lifestyle and is passionate about helping others achieve their own.


Sarah Miller, Front desk coordinator

Sarah lives in Pennsylvania and loves spending time with her 4 girls and husband. She loves Horses, Great Danes, boats, and beaches.